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![[हिंदी ] EUR/GBP trading plan](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Oct 25, 20231 min read
[हिंदी ] EUR/GBP trading plan
[हिंदी ] EUR/GBP trading plan. #forexanalysis#forextips#forexcopytrading#forexaccountmanagemet#eurgbptechnicalanalysistoday#eurgbp

![[हिंदी] Formula of Forex trading in case of trading positions of increasing lot in a linear sequence](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Sep 21, 20231 min read
[हिंदी] Formula of Forex trading in case of trading positions of increasing lot in a linear sequence
[हिंदी] This video illustrates the idea behind trading strategies based on multiple positions wherein positions are opened in a linear...

25noobsters Forex Mentor
Sep 14, 20231 min read
Decoding formula of Forex trading in case of trading positions of same lot in a sequence.
This video illustrates the idea behind trading strategies based on multiple positions wherein positions are opened in a sequence after a...

![[हिंदी] Decoding formula of Forex trading in case of trading positions of same lot in a sequence.](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Sep 13, 20231 min read
[हिंदी] Decoding formula of Forex trading in case of trading positions of same lot in a sequence.
This video illustrates the idea behind trading strategies based on multiple positions wherein positions are opened in a sequence after a...

![[हिंदी] Evening & morning star. Split a trade into multiple positions using these candle patterns.](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Aug 29, 20231 min read
[हिंदी] Evening & morning star. Split a trade into multiple positions using these candle patterns.
This video will not only show you the evening and morning stars but also will illustrate how to enter a trade into split positions using...

![[हिंदी] Tweezer tops and bottoms candle patterns.](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Aug 28, 20231 min read
[हिंदी] Tweezer tops and bottoms candle patterns.
This video illustrates how to use Tweezer Tops and Bottoms candle patterns in Forex trading.

![[हिंदी] How to use Engulfing candles - a dual candle pattern](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Aug 16, 20231 min read
[हिंदी] How to use Engulfing candles - a dual candle pattern
This video illustrates how to identify an Engulfing candle and how to use it in trading.

![[हिंदी] Four more single candle patterns: Hammer, Hanging Man, Shooting Star and Inverted Hammer.](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Aug 11, 20231 min read
[हिंदी] Four more single candle patterns: Hammer, Hanging Man, Shooting Star and Inverted Hammer.
Learn in हिंदी how to use these four single candle patterns:

![[हिंदी] What is a Spinning Top candle pattern? How is it similar to or different from the Doji?](
25noobsters Forex Mentor
Aug 5, 20231 min read
[हिंदी] What is a Spinning Top candle pattern? How is it similar to or different from the Doji?
This video illustrate Spinning Top and Doji candlestick patterns. You can learn their usage, their similarity and differences in this video.
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